Recent SSL Errors Fixed

by AINTEROL® Support
Recent SSL Errors Fixed

All main AINTEROL® domains are always SSL secured. You can see HTTPS as the main on every site. We don't use regular HTTP protocols without SSL. That means all browsing, purchase, etc. info is always secured. Even we use cookies to make your purchase possible. We do NOT store them or keep logs of any sort. IF any AINTEROL® main domain causes you an error. It may be your own privacy setting. If that's an issue then please use (Shopify shop for Europeans, US, and Hong Kong). This shop is totally apart from our mainframe with special offers.

Payment Gateway error Fixed

by AINTEROL® Support

Some customers may have experienced a "payment gateway not found" or similar error. This was fixed last night and everyone should be able to select a payment gateway. 

Warning: Buy AINTEROL® only from Certified sources

by AINTEROL® Support

If you buy AINTEROL® Products from other than our official sites, authorized retail sellers or certified/authorized sellers. If they cannot produce any reliable source or form of authorization; certificate or authorized license. You can always contact us by giving seller name, address and country where they operate. We either confirm or deny such seller. We don’t endorse any form of sales of AINTEROL® products by unauthorized sellers in any country.

You may get outdated, wrongly stored or worse even copies of AINTEROL® goods. If seller insist they have authorization they need to provide you direct contact to top management or present their authorization certificate. You can always recheck authenticity of it direct by contacting us via contact form.

We don’t take any responsibility if AINTEROL® products are purchased from non-authorized sources any kind. This is for your own safety to get AINTEROL® products in perfect condition instead of getting outdated products. If you suspect your goods were old, no longer in sales or seller is non-responsive to your questions about authorization. Contact us via online form.

Live Editing of Websites

by AINTEROL® Support
Live Editing of Websites

We are doing LIVE settings on websites. Some settings and categories are soon away. We tested the live site, but it is working. Wholesale customers can use the same site once the credentials are updated.